
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera
Uses: Medicinal/Industrial Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 10-11+)
Not only is this African native succulent an attractive houseplant commonly found thriving in a bright windowsill, there are many medicinal benefits to speak of, with over 200 biologically active compounds! Used for over 2000 years as a key herb in the traditional medicines of China, India, the West Indies and Japan. A treatment to cool and heal sunburns is what typically comes to mind when you think of the medicinal application of Aloe Vera, making its way into many soothing topical creams and gels. Handy to have around the kitchen in case of burns! The wound healing properties makes the gel a great topical remedy for psoriasis, rashes and other skin irritations. The latex found in the outer portion of the leaves is high in anthraquinone glycosides, which lends itself to powerful laxative effects. The inner filling is a cooling remedy taken internally for those suffering from ulcers or inflammatory bowel disease. It reduces symptoms through its powerful antioxidant and immunomodulatory effect, downregulating inflammatory protein expression. Other attributes such as antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic, anticancer and antiviral effects have also been studied. Grows best when planted in cactus potting mix that will ensure good drainage. Aloe vera is extremely sensitive to standing water conditions, and therefore must be placed in a pot with many drain holes. So many neat benefits, its worth having a spot in your home!
P1121 Plants $8.95/ea
Currency: United States Dollar

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