
Monarda didyma
Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Beverage/Aromatic/Industrial Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 4-10)
When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall Ease of Germination: Easy
Adored for its showy blossoms that pollinators cant resist! Its alternate name, bee balm, refers to the use of crushed leaves to soothe bee stings. Citrus-scented leaves and flowers can be brewed into a pleasant, soothing tea! Young leaf tips and flowers offer an added touch to salads. You will notice that bergamot has a flavour very similar to the bergamot orange fruit from the citrus bergamia tree used to flavour earl grey tea. In fact, it plays quite a role in American history, as it was used as a substitute for English Tea after the Boston Tea Party, as a protest against high taxation imposed by the British. Thymol content gives it antibacterial properties that can be utilized for colds, coughs, fevers and topically for skin wounds. A perfect choice for a butterfly or cottage garden as well as borders creating a beautiful mixed colour contrast. Thrives is rich, moist soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers well drained soil but is tolerant to a variety of soil conditions as long as it remains moist. Height 2-4 feet.
P1380 Plug pack 12 $22.00/pack
Currency: United States Dollar

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