
Sanguinaria canadensis
Uses: Medicinal/Poisonous! Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 3-8)
When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall Ease of Germination: Difficult/Special Treatment Required
One of our most beautiful woodland wildflowers, often the first to appear in spring. Important dyeplant, first discovered and used by the Native Americans as its name originates from the dark red sap found in the stems and roots. With its medicinal strengths lying in its emetic and expectorant properties, it makes sense that its most important contribution to herbal medicine is its effectiveness against chronic congestive conditions of the lungs. Sow in moist, acidic soil high in organic matter and humus. Ideally plants should be located in a partly shaded area where they will get consistent dappled sun exposure. Ht. 10-30cm (4-12").
P1450 Plants (Mar-May shipment) $10.95/ea, $29.55/3 plants, $105.00/12 plants
Currency: United States Dollar

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