
Ficus religiosa
Uses: Medicinal Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 10b-11+)
When to Sow: Anytime Ease of Germination: Moderate
(Pipal) A large perennial tree also known as the sacred fig, native to India, found high in the Himilayas. Has both medicinal and religious significance as it is believed that Siddharta meditated under the under a Bo-Tree for 49 days before becoming the Buddha. Still recognized a sacred tree in the Hindu and Buddhist cultures, as a symbol of enlightenment. Has been found to have antiulcer, antibacterial, antidiabetic properties as well as effectiveness against gonorrhea and skin diseases. Makes a great indoor container houseplant and will thrive when situated in full sun during the summer and in a south or west facing windowsill during the cooler months. Situating in full sun allows for less vine like "reaching" growth and more trunk development. Does best in well drained fertile soil. Will respond well to fertilizer during the summer months. Does not respond well to movement and may respond by dropping its leaves!
P1468 Plants $8.95/ea, $24.15/3 plants, $85.80/12 plants
Currency: United States Dollar

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