
Black Gojiberry
Lycium ruthenicum
Uses: Medicinal/Culinary Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 4-7)
When to Sow: Spring Ease of Germination: Moderate
(Tibetan gojiberry; Hei guo gou qi) A promising superfood! A little known species of gojiberry with amazing health potential. The black berries are very rich in oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), a class of compounds that is thought to give red wine, grape seeds and blueberries their powerful antioxidant effects. They are also rich in vitamins A, C and E. And what is highly unusual for fruits, they are rich in essential fatty acids. This combination of protective, healing and nutritive constituents help explain the many benefits of this plant. It is traditionally used to treat diabetes, anemia, heart disease, impotency, abnormal menstuation, menopause and problems of the liver and kidneys. It reduces cholesterol, helps regulate blood pressure, and improves circulation. It also improves vision problems and dizziness. In Kashmir it is used to treat blindness in camels. Studies have shown that black gojiberry protects against radiation and may help reduce the side-effects of radiation therapy. As well, the berries boost the immune system and help prevent or slow the growth of cancer. Black gojiberry is a spiny shrub found in dry areas from Turkey and Armenia to Tibet and northwestern China. Based on its natural range we believe it is hardy to at least zones 4 to 7. It does well in dry, well-drained soils, and requires full sun. The seeds germinate readily but the seedlings are susceptible to damping off and control of damping off is necessary for best results. Best sown in spring, kept in pots the first season, and then planted in the garden the following spring. Ht. 25-100cm.
P2905 Plug pack 12 $28.00/pack
Currency: United States Dollar

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