
Armoracia rusticana
Uses: Culinary/Medicinal Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 3-10)
Herb of the Year for 2011! Before it became a popular condiment, horseradish was a medicinal herb valued for its antibiotic and stimulant properties. Its mild antibiotic and diuretic effect made it one of the first, best treatments for urinary tract infections. A source of vitamin C, it was once used to combat scurvy. Originating in Germany or Northeastern Europe, the plant is perennial over a wide range of zones and grows well in most conditions, preferring a well-drained, light soil with full sun. It will spread if unchecked, but who would mind more of this useful and delicious herb? The taproot can grow more than 50cm (20”) long and can be used to make horseradish sauce, or grated fresh to bring a sharp, sparkling flavour to coleslaws and dips. For homemade prepared horseradish, peel roots into cubes and puree in a food processor, adding white vinegar and salt to taste. For a twist, try the delicious young leaves in salads. Horseradish is one of the bitter herbs eaten at Passover.
P3360 Plants $7.95/ea, $21.45/3 plants, $76.20/12 plants
Currency: United States Dollar

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