
Ginger Bush
Tetradenia riparia
Uses: Aromatic Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 9-11+)
(Iboza; Nutmeg bush) Popular remedy throughout southern Africa for colds, flu, fever, and sore throat. It is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Also used for cavities, skin disease, and scabies. The whole plant is highly aromatic in a medicinal way. The scent, some say, is reminiscent of sage and ginger. Just inhaling the aroma of the freshly crushed leaves helps to relieve migraine. Masses of showy white or pinkish plume-like flowers make an impressive show in early fall. Surprisingly easy to grow in containers.
P3482 Plants $8.95/ea, $24.15/3 plants, $85.80/12 plants
Currency: United States Dollar

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