
Jasminum officinale affine
Uses: Medicinal/Aromatic/Industrial Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 9-11)
(Poet’s jasmine) The incomparable fragrance of jasmine has been an inspiration for poets throughout the ages, perfuming the air with an atmosphere of seduction and mystery. The white flower petals are a mainstay of the world’s perfume industry, used in Chanel, Joy, and Shalimar perfumes. In China the fresh and complex scent of jasmine is considered aphrodisiac. Native to Persia, India and China, it is a vining plant that can grow to a height of 9m (30ft.) In pots it can be kept bushy by pruning, or alternatively the vining stems can be wound around wreath or topiary forms to create attractive displays. The fine stems and delicate green leaves are overwhelmed by fragrant starry flowers from June to October. Flowers of the variety affine may be tinged with pink. Left unattended jasmine grow straggly and sparse; to make plants bushier, pinch out growing points, but only once during the growth spurt before flowering. Prune jasmine only immediately after flowering, if necessary, as flower buds form on new wood and excessive pruning will reduce flowering. Jasmine loves the sun and needs a sunny exposure indoors and out, in fertile, well-drained soil.
P3505 Plants $10.95/ea, $29.55/3 plants
Currency: United States Dollar

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