
Chinese Lantern
Physalis alkekengi
Uses: Culinary/Medicinal Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 3-9)
When to Sow: Spring/Late Summer/Early Fall Ease of Germination: Easy
A really unique plant grown for its papery bright orange lantern like calyxes that encapsulate edible berries. Blooms in July. Native to Asia and Europe where it can be found in damp areas, woodlands, in plains and along lower slopes of mountains. Fruits, high in vitamin C can be eaten raw or cooked into preserves or pies. Make sure berries are ripe before consumption, as immature fruits contain large quantities of solanine, which can cause gastroenteritis and diarrhea. Known as Jin Deng Long in TCM, used as an antibacterial against acute tonsillitis and laryngeal infections. Raises blood pressure through increasing myocardial contraction and vasoconstriction. Chemical compound hystonin can cause uterine contractions in a similar fashion to oxytosin. Stems also make an attractive ornamental addition to flower arrangements and wreaths. Can tolerate a wide range of sun exposure, thriving in sunny-shady gardens. Makes a good ground cover but may need to be contained in pots as it spreads quickly! Plant in moist rich well drained soil. Height 3 feet.
P3610 Plants $7.95/ea, $21.45/3 plants, $76.20/12 plants
Currency: United States Dollar

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