
Phenomenal Lavender
Lavandula x intermedia 'Niko'
Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Aromatic/Industrial Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 4-9)
A truly phenomenal lavender! Has all the beauty and all the brawn of the best in one plant! Adorned with beautiful long flower spikes typical of hybrid lavandins but also hardier than the toughest of the English varieties. Typically faster growing and produce longer stems and broader leaves than the augustifolia group. Phenomenal outperformed all other varieties tested across Europe and the United States - tolerant to extreme heat and humidity, while resistant to common root and foliar diseases. Its silvery foliage and uniform, mounding habit, makes it an excellent choice for ornamental use in gardens, for fragrance, for fresh and dried arrangements, and for oil production. Deer resistant. Varieties in the intermedia group are typically the latest to bloom, occurring right after those in the augustifolia group have finished, beginning in July until late summer. Ht. 60-80cm/24-32"
Unauthorized propagation prohibited. Protected by U.S. patent (USPP#24,193). Phenomenal is a U.S. registered trademark.

P3636-900 Plug pack 12 $30.00/pack
Currency: United States Dollar

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