
Sweet Lavender
Lavandula x heterophylla
Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Aromatic Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 8-9)
A vigorous fast growing hybrid that dates back to the 1800s or earlier. Has green-grey slightly toothed leaves and violet flowers. It does well in hot and humid areas where other lavenders fail. It does well in containers and blooms throughout the year in mild climates. The parentage of this lavender is confusing. It is assumed to be a cross between L. angustifolia and L. dentata or between L. latifolia and L. dentata. The influence of L. dentata and its toothed leaves does seem to explain the varied leaf shapes of this variety (hence the heterophylla name). But some believe that this variety is L. x allardii instead.
P3645 Plants $7.95/ea, $21.45/3 plants
Currency: United States Dollar

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