
Candied Fruit™ Mint
Mentha 'Candied Fruit'
Uses: Culinary/Beverage Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 6-11)
One of many unique creations from mint breeder extraordinaire, Jim Westerfield. In his words here is how this new mint evoked a cherished memory: “In my early years I worked in a small grocery store. One day I was given the job of stocking a small seasoning rack. Along the way I couldn’t resist sneaking a whiff of a small container marked ‘Candied Fruit’. It seems that I NEVER forgot that delicious aroma.” And so years later that memory lives on as Candied Fruit mint. RICHTERS EXCLUSIVE CANADIAN INTRODUCTION. Richters holds exclusive propagation rights in Canada.
P4019-340 Plants $7.95/ea, $21.45/3 plants, $76.20/12 plants
Currency: United States Dollar

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