
Solenostemon monostachyus
Uses: Medicinal/Culinary Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 11+)
(Nyale) African treatment for panic attacks! Virtually unknown in the West, this herb is considered one of the best spiritual cleansing herbs of Africa. When the mind is disturbed and the heart races African herbalists use this herb to bring anxiety and panic attacks under control. The fresh herb is crushed in water, strained, and the liquid taken until the panic attacks subside. The herb is also used to treat colic, convulsions, fever, headache and cough, especially in children. Nigerian research has confirmed that the herb has anticonvulsant activity through calming the central nervous system. We believe that this herb deserves further study. Easy to grow member of the mint family with thick succulent-like ridged stems and aromatic leaves. Ht. 60cm/24".
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