
Lord Seabuckthorn
Hippophae rhamnoides 'Lord'
Uses: Medicinal Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 3-8)
The male pollinator variety that must be planted with females in a ratio of 1-3 for every female plant in order to get good fruit. Male plants must comprise 10% of commercial orchards. A thorny deciduous upright shrub native to the high altitude regions of China, Russia, Mongolia and northern Europe, introduced to the United States in 1923 and Canada in the 1930s. Extremely hardy against both hot and cold temperatures and a beneficial contributor to the ecosystem as a whole, as it improves the soil through nitrogen fixation, regenerating and controlling erosion of disturbed sites. Must be situated in full sun, making an excellent choice for a hedge. Grown for its nutritive berries (rich in vitamins A, C, E, riboflavin, folic acid and K as well as fatty acids and antioxidants) that can be used in cooking and preserves as well as for medicinal purposes. Medicinally, seabuckthorn extract is used to target skin complaints although stems and leaves have also been used topically and internally for a wide variety of ailments including colitis and arthritis. Also shows promise to heal gastric ulcers as well as offer cardiovascular support by preventing atherosclerosis and lowering both blood pressure and cholesterol. Depending on conditions, seabuckthorn can grow anywhere from 2-20 feet.
P5370-500 Plants $14.45/ea
Currency: United States Dollar

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