
Uva Ursi
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Uses: Medicinal Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 2-8)
(Bearberry; Kinnikinnik) An extremely hardy evergreen shrub native to many regions of the Northern Hemisphere, most commonly used medicinally to treat kidney and bladder infections on account of its diuretic, antibacterial and astringent properties. Antibacterial properties have shown to be clinically effective against E. Coli. It has also been shown to increase susceptibility of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to antibiotics. Its alternative name kinnikinnick is an Algonquin word for smoking mixture as the leaves were typically smoked in combination with other herbs in pipes. Produces attractive glossy green leaves and pink bell-shaped flowers that appear from June – September. Flowers transform into bright red berries which make a nice snack for birds and small mammals. Thrives in damp, acidic soil, making a nice ground cover. Height 20 inches.
P6565 Plants $10.95/ea, $29.55/3 plants, $105.00/12 plants
Currency: United States Dollar

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