Tell Us How We Did!

Did you purchase something from Richters? Did you visit our online store or order from our catalogue? Did you visit our gift shop and greenhouses or attend one of our events? We want to improve, and to do that we need to know how you felt about your shopping experience at Richters. Please take the time to fill out this feedback form.

  • You can use this form to give us feedback about any aspect of Richters.
  • If you have specific problems about your order or about what you purchased from Richters, use this form to tell us about that too.
  • It’s NOT necessary to answer every question -- just the questions relevant to you.


1. Personal Information
2. Ordering Online
3. Ordering by Mail, Fax or Phone
4. Order Delivery
5. Shopping in Person
6. Product Quality
7. Customer Service
8. Problem Resolution
9. Submit This Form!

0. Your comments

1. Personal Information

Tell us about you so we can contact you if necessary. If you wish to remain anonymous, that’s okay too.

I prefer to remain anonymous

 Daytime Phone 
 Customer No.  My customer number (please enter it here)  
I have one but I don’t remember what it is     I don’t have one
 Preferred Method 
 of Contact 
by email   by phone   by fax    by mail   don’t contact me
 Purchase History  I am a first time customer    I am a repeat customer
 Order No.  Please enter the order number(s) that this feedback form applies to

2. Ordering Online  [skip]    [top]

Tell us about your experience ordering online

1. Did you order online at the Richters website or did you send your order by email?
website    email

2. How easy was it to use Richters online catalogue and ordering system?
easy to use    about average in ease of use    difficult to use

3. How did you find the speed of the online catalogue?
slow    about average speed    fast

4. Was it easy to navigate around the online catalogue?
yes    no

5. Was the information provided online for the items you ordered adequate?
yes    no

6. Did you have concerns about security of your personal data while ordering online?
yes    no

7. Would you order using Richters online catalogue and ordering system again?
yes    no

8. What type of connection to the Internet did you have when you ordered online?
dial up    high speed (e.g. DSL, cable, wireless, T1)

9. If it was necessary to contact us about your order, how did you reach us (check all that apply)?
by email    by phone    by fax    by mail    by personal visit

10. How would you rate your online ordering experience?
good    neither good nor bad   bad

11. Other comments about your online experience.

12. What should we do to improve the online catalogue and ordering system?

3. Ordering by Mail, Fax or Phone  [skip]    [top]     [finished]

Tell us about your experience ordering by mail, fax or phone

1. How did you order?
by mail    by fax    by phone

2. Why didn’t you order online (check all that apply)?
no access to the Internet
don’t use computers or the Internet
don’t have a credit card
concerns about using credit cards on the Internet
concerns about privacy or the security of personal information provided online
find filling an order form and sending it in easier or more enjoyable
find ordering by phone easier or more enjoyable, or because I had questions
had problems connecting to the Richters website or problems completing online order

3. Which catalogue did you use to select your items?
online catalogue    printed catalogue    did not have a catalogue

4. If you used the printed order forms, how did you find them?
easy and convenient to use    not easy or convenient to use

5. If it was necessary to contact us about your order, how did you reach us (check all that apply)?
by email    by phone    by fax    by mail    by personal visit

6. How would you rate your ordering experience?
good    neither good nor bad   bad

7. Other comments about your ordering experience.

8. What should we do to improve the printed catalogue, order forms or any other aspect of the ordering process?

4. Order Delivery  [skip]    [top]     [finished]

Tell us about shipments you received from us

1. Did your shipment(s) arrive
sooner than expected    when expected    late, but still OK    too late

2. Did you receive everything you ordered?
yes    no

3. If you did not receive everything, are some items (check all that apply)
backordered    cancelled    missing but on invoice    don’t know why

4. If items were missing (other than backordered and cancelled items), please list them here

5. Does it appear that a parcel is missing or delayed?
yes    no

6. If items arrived damaged, please list them here and describe the damage

7. How would you rate the delivery of your order?
good    neither good nor bad   bad

8. Other comments about the delivery of your order.

9. What should we do to improve the delivery system?

5. Shopping in Person   [skip]    [top]     [finished]

Tell us how you liked shopping in person in our store in Goodwood

1. When did you last visit Richters?   

2. How did you travel to Richters?
by car    by tour bus or car pool    by GO bus

3. How far did you travel to get to Richters?
0-10 km    11-50 km    51-100 km    101-500 km    more than 500 km

4. Did you come to Richters to attend a lecture, workshop or other special event?
yes    no

5. Were you greeted by our sales staff when you arrived?
yes    no

6. Did you find the sales staff friendly?
yes    no

7. Was the sales staff knowledgeable and competent?
yes    no

8. Did you find the store and greenhouses neat and inviting?
yes    no

9. Was the selection of seeds what you expected?
better than expected    as expected    not as expected

10. Was the selection of plants what you expected?
better than expected    as expected    not as expected

11. Were the plants healthy?
yes    no

12. Was the selection of dried herbs, extracts, and herbal medicines what you expected?
better than expected    as expected    not as expected

13. Was the selection of gift and garden ware what you expected?
better than expected    as expected    not as expected

14. If you were disappointed that some items you expected to buy were unavailable, please list them here

15. Are you happy with what you purchased at the store?
yes    no

16. Will you come back to visit Richters again?
yes    no

17. Would you recommend to your friends or family to visit Richters?
yes    no

18. How can we make Richters a better shopping experience?

19. Other comments about your experience at Richters store and greenhouses

6. Product Quality  [skip]    [top]     [finished]

Tell us if the products you purchased met your expectations

1. If you purchased seeds, what was the germination like?
excellent    about average    poor or none

2. If you purchased seeds, were they true to name and free of weed seeds?
yes    no

3. If you purchased seed packets, was the amount of seeds in each packet
more than expected    as expected    less than expected

4. Please list the seeds that did not meet your expectations and why.

5. If you purchased plants, were you happy with the quality?
yes    yes, but there were problems with some    no

6. If you purchased plants, how did you find the size of the plants overall?
bigger than expected    as expected    smaller than expected

7. If your plants were shipped, what was their condition on arrival overall (check all that apply)?
healthy and intact
some leaves discoloured (yellow, brown, black, white, etc.)
some leaves damaged
soil too wet
soil too dry
labels missing or dislodged

8. Please list the plants that did not meet your expectations and why.

9. If you ordered items besides plants or seeds (such as dried herbs, books, HerbWild products, etc.), were you happy with the quality?
yes    yes, but there were problems with some    no

10. Please list the items that did not meet your expectations and why.

11. What aspects of Richters product quality can be improved upon?

12. Other comments about the quality of Richters products.

7. Customer Service  [skip]    [top]     [finished]

If you needed to contact customer service about your order, tell us about that

1. Why did you need to contact Richters customer service (check all that apply)?
for information about my order 
for a problem with my order 
for technical information about the products I purchased

2. By what means did you try to reach us (check all that apply)?
by email    by phone    by fax    by mail    by personal visit

3. Did you have problems reaching the right person about your needs?
yes    no

4. Did you find the customer service staff friendly?
yes    no

5. Was the customer service staff knowledgeable and competent?
yes    no

6. If you needed information about your order, how long did it take to get it?
right away    not right away, but in reasonable time    too long    did not get the requested information

7. If there was a problem with your order, how long did it take to get it resolved?
right away    not right away, but in reasonable time    too long    still not resolved

8. How would you rate the service your received from Richters customer service department?
good    neither good nor bad   bad

9. Other comments about Richters customer service.

10. What should we do to improve our customer service?

8. Problem Resolution   [skip]    [top]     [finished]

Tell us about any unresolved problems with your order

Plants and seeds sometimes fail to grow. Delivery services sometimes let us down. And we do make mistakes. But we are committed to making you satisfied with your purchase from Richters.

1. Please describe any unresolved problem with your order

2. What would you like us to do to resolve the problem?

3. Would you like a customer service representative to contact you?
yes    no

4. Have you already contacted customer service about this unresolved problem?
yes    no

9. Submit This Form!    [top]

One last step!

Copyright © 1997-2025 Otto Richter and Sons Limited. All rights reserved.