Devil’s Claw Reaction and Phantom Pain Relief
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: Shirley
Posted on: October 29, 1998

I have a customer who started taking Devil’s Claw for arthritis, while it has worked for that, her appetite has increased at the same time. I’ve never heard of this reaction. Also, what can be done for phantom pain. I have another customer who had his arm amputated 25 years ago, and has had some phantom pain on occasion but now it has increased. He is under the care of a neurologist who is also baffled.

Devil’s Claw is a "bitter" herb, that increases the bile flow, improving digestion and appetite. It has been reported to have an action lowering blood sugar, so is contraindicated in diabetes. One of the symptoms of low blood sugar is constant hunger.

I can’t really help you with the phantom pain. Pain increase may be related to pressure on or damage to the nerve supplying the arm and may be relieved by remedies such as Valerian and Jamaica Dogwood, but the cause must be explored.

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