Herbal Help for Concussion
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: D. Suderman
Posted on: January 4, 2002

Hello, I have a question about concussions. Are there any herbs that would help heal the damage done to the brain after a concussion? I have heard of 2 that might help: Ginkgo biloba and Gotu kola. Can you give me any information on this topic? My son plays in the WHL and is recuperating from his 3rd concussion right now. Any advice would be helpful.

Thomas Bartram, in "Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine" (available at Richters) recommends teas of St. John’s Wort (for concussion of spine), Skullcap (to ease headache) and Ginkgo (for cerebral damage). Bartram’s recommended tincture formula for concussion contains 3 parts St. John’s Wort, 2 parts Skullcap, 2 parts Oats and a few drops of Capsicum (Cayenne) tincture.

- St. John’s Wort - nourishes nerve tissue. Its anti-inflammatory and nerve sedative properties help to relieve pain

- Skullcap - improves blood circulation to the brain and central nervous system; nourishes and calms nerve tissue

- Ginkgo - increases nourishing blood flow to the brain

- Oats - nourishes nerve tissue

- Capsicum - improves the nourishing blood flow to all parts of the body; its antispasmodic action helps in pain relief

Other herbs used in concussion are:

- Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) to reduce bleeding, bruising and pain

- Wood betony (Betonica officinalis) to relieve headache and pain

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica), native to India, is a nervous system relaxant, is anti-inflammatory and promotes healing. It may be helpful here.

Vitamins C (200 mg daily) and B complex are nerve nourishing vitamin supplements.

Oily fish (wild salmon, mackerel, rainbow trout, sardine, tuna, herring) and fish oils are good sources of essential fatty acids required for brain and blood vessel repair.

An osteopath who is skilled in cranio-sacral therapy can provide helpful adjuvant therapy.

Please see our website at http://www.richters.com for additional information on the importance of maintaining good blood circulation, digestion and elimination in promoting healing. Choose "Q&A" from the main menu, then choose "Search Richters Q&A", and enter the word "Brain" for the search.

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