Is Guarana Safe?
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: Lauren
Posted on: May 29, 2003

I have a question about Guarana. Is Guarana a dangerous herb to take? I am interested in taking something that is ephedrine free – yet there is 60 mg of Guarana in the product.

Guarana can be dangerous, depending on the amount taken. You can compare its safety to coffee - drinking too much coffee will cause side effects because of overstimulation. Guarana does not come with the warnings that ephedra does. Taken in moderate doses, guarana can gently stimulate. Taken in large doses, over time, its stimulating actions will have a negative effect on the nervous system, which can then cause health problems in other body systems. The medicinal dose of guarana is 1000 mg. daily. For more information on guarana, please see our web site at Choose "Q&A", then enter "guarana" for the search.

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