How is Alfalfa Useful in Bladder Cancer?
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: Name not given
Posted on: September 15, 2003

I would like to get more information on alfalfa as a help in urination in bladder cancer.

I don’t know that alfalfa is particularly recommended to help urination in bladder cancer. As a general cancer aid, alfalfa leaf is recommended for its high chlorophyll, vitamin and mineral content. With these contents, it is a powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer herb.

Donald Yance, in "Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer" (Keats Publishing, Illinois), states that chlorophyll neutralizes carcinogens.

John Boik, in "Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy" (Oregon Medical Press), states that immunotherapy - stimulating an immune response by the body - has had some success in bladder cancer. Animal studies show that immunostimulant herbs containing polysaccharides, like astragalus and eleutherococcus (formerly known as Siberian ginseng), inhibit cancer. Human studies show that polysaccharide-containing immunostimulant herbs may improve survival of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy while reducing its adverse effects.

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