Herbal Formula for Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Answered by: Susan eagles
Question from: Anna
Posted on: March 13, 2007

I came across your response to a similar question posted (in 2000) regarding polymyalgia rheumatica. You recommended the herbs: yarrow, hawthorn, meadowsweet and white willow bark to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation. Could you please suggest a recipe or quantify the amount of each herb and in what combination they should be used?

Thomas Bartram, in "Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine" (available at Richters) documents the following formula for polymyalgia rheumatica:

Herbal tea:

2 parts hawthorn berries to support weak circulation
2 parts yarrow herb for inflammatory rheumatism
1 part meadowsweet herb – anti-inflammatory, pain relieving
1 part white willow bark (pain relief)

Mix herbs together. Add I healed teaspoon to each cup of boiling water. Steep 15 minutes. Drink 1 cup, three times daily.

You can mix a tincture using the same proportions as above. The equivalent dose of tincture is one teaspoon, three times daily. The tincture mixture must be shaken well before use, as the tinctures may separate.

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