How to keep a Child’s Immune System Healthy
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: Gina
Posted on: November 25, 2006

I have a two and a half year old daughter. She is very healthy but I would like to know what herbal blends I can give her to boost her immune system. I would also like to know how I should dilute it and how much I should give her.

The best way to keep your daughter’s immune system healthy is through diet. For a start, make sure she is getting lots of fruit and vegetables, and that she stays away from sugars and junk foods.

For winter immunity, I recommend making the family a large pot of home-made soup at least once every 2 weeks, from organic or free-range chicken, if possible. Use the whole chicken or chicken parts. Cover the chicken with water, and add onions, carrots, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of cut burdock root, one ginseng root and 2 sticks of astragalus. Allow the soup to simmer slowly for at least 4 hours, to extract the minerals from the bones. Strain the soup, discarding the bones, onions and carrots. To the chicken and broth, add fresh vegetables, sea salt and pepper to your taste. The vinegar helps in the extraction process. Ginseng root and astragalus sticks can often be purchased at health food stores, or in a Chinese community herb store.

Lemon balm (anti-viral, relaxant, digestive) and red clover (cleanses lymphatic vessels, dosage ) can be used regularly as teas. The adult therapeutic dose is 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb per cup, three times daily. For children, you can calculate their dosage according to age using formula in the link below.

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